Alibag is about 300 years old city. If you get down at Alibag bus stand...You will be surprized... Why this guy is calling it as a city? No...It is a village (in US terms) and a town (in Indian terms). So don't blame me...I have already warned you !!!
Here is a short essay about the history of Alibag. If you find it too boring..just skip it...For the sake of completeness I am adding it.
Alibag was developed in the 17th century by Sarkhel Kanhoji Angre, the Naval chief of King Shivaji's kingdom.
Declared as a Taluka place in 1852.

  Added four Talukas and Kulaba district was formed in 1869.
Many people used to call Alibag as Shribag. (Specially our Sanskrit teacher). Now they formed 'Shribag' as a part of Alibag. Some people used to mention Alibaug as 'Kulaba'.